It was a pleasure to meet and talk with concerned Woodson Terrace residents. Many of them seemed very impressed with my idea to hold Open Office Hours at City Hall, wherein residents can stop in and meet with me, without an appointment, although I assert to be available to the community. I will take your phone calls or return your phone call. I am committed to reading your emails and letters, and responding to them. This is just the tip of the iceberg for plans that I have for when I'm elected Mayor. The outcome of the event made me even more motivated to get out the word about my message and plans. Most importantly, I took the opportunity to tell everyone that day about my platform for the campaign:
1. Build Partnerships
- With the citizens of Woodson Terrace
- With the businessmen and businesswomen
- With the City Administration
- With the committees of Woodson Terrace
- With our neighboring townships
- Continue to build upon Crime Prevention efforts
- Raise Crime Awareness with Neighborhood Watch program
- Pursue safe and educational activities for the youth
- Work to rebrand the community
- Partner with surrounding communities to rebrand North County
- Sustain or Improve Property Values
- Code review and enforcement
- Neighborhood Preservation and Beautification
- Budget review and allocation
- Sound financial planning, long-term
- Analyze budgeting and spending patterns
- Accountability & transparency, by individuals and committees
- Routine audits of the budges – surplus, shortfalls, mishandling of funds
- Revitalize the Economic Development committee - increase exposure for current businesses and recruit new businesses
I was appalled to learn that the Economic Development committee for Woodson Terrace has not had a meeting since April 2008! That alone was reason for me to run for Mayor, a decision I've been contemplating with my husband, friends, and family since last summer. I think I made up my mind during Woodson Terrace Days....we had such a positive interaction, talking with current and former residents, about our Neighborhood Watch efforts and community building ideas.
I will continue to post updates to what me the my committee are up to. I would be remiss if I did not take this time to thank my committee, Friends to Elect Wheeling.
Thanks everyone for your support! Remember to Get Out The Vote on April 6th.
Average people and the average community can change the world. You can do it just based on common sense, determination, persistence and patience."
~ Lois Gibbs